Friday, August 22, 2008

September 14th.

I hope and pray that each of you are doing well. We will meet for the first time on September 14th for our regular meeting. We will meet at 8 O'clock at night at the Kreis home. Please be there on time and ready to go.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hey!! I am good! School is good, some lame teachers, but what do you expect? LOl. Can you all pray for me and my family? my grandpa who has alzheimers has gone down hill big time.. thanks!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Greetings from Ben

I actually started school Monday. Most of of my classes look good. I have lots and lots of reading this school year.

Hello Everyone

Hi, I thought I would get the ball rolling with this second post.

How is everyone, and how is school?

I know everyone has started school (except you Ben) so go ahead and share what you like, dislike, or are plain indifferent too. What is your favorite thing this year? Try not to trash anybody (teachers are people too, even you Becky). Just kidding around. Anyway, we can have a dynamic year is we all work together and integrate everyone deeper into the group, and this will start by continuing to get to know one another.

So everyone, post away!