Monday, December 15, 2008

One more thought

Not that anyone but Chris and Becky check this anyways, lol, I have one more question from this week's chapter (12).

On page 320, at the top, it's talking about sometimes the church gets so caught up in the vision for the church, we forget about the people. Do you think we have done that?

Feel free to comment, so we can discuss!!


Laura Evans said...

so i think some more people should comment on this. i mean, so many people have already, tho. ;)

Becky said...

I think our church does a good job remembering the people that make it up. Our statement that the entire congregation are the ministers is played out well. It's cool to see so many people involved in ministry.

Collin said...

I think our church understands the vision and how to get involved in our vision...our church memebers are very invovled and committed I think. I think we had a major test to how 'committed' we were when we daughtered our 1st church and by Gods grace the holes left from that were filled by new people. I think another major test is evey time we daughter a new church.