Recently, I did a study on why Jesus really came to this earth. I would love to hear comments back (quoting scripture and giving thoughts) as to why Jesus really did come to this earth. Did he come simply for people to be saved, or were there other reasons? Let's talk....
I also think that Jesus came to earth to spend time with the "outsiders". You know, the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the people that no one really liked and were condemned. Jesus came to love them and to tell them to go and sin no more....
So, did he come to save them from something or just to tell them to go and sin no more? Some people do say that Jesus came only to spend time and love people in a very "social Justice" type of a way...Is this why he came? What about those that were "poor" in other ways besides just monetarily?
What do you mean by "love people in a very 'social Justice' type of way"?
Well, there is this idea that we need to love because Jesus was loving. Which I totally agree with. But what is the difference between the love that I show and the love that an atheist shows? None, unless I identify myself with Christ. You see, unless we identify ourselves with Christ, we will have this love all thing, but we will never see the gospel infect peoples' lives. The disciples were obviously identified with Christ by baptism and by the Holy Spirit and so whatever love they showed, they poured back towards Jesus Christ.
I just meant the "Social justice" is pursued by many in our culture and that social justice (while not wrong) lacks the element (essential) of the gospel.
Does that help? :)
Oh... okay, yes that helps. Thanks. :) Wow, I'll have to think on this some more and look at more scripture, then I can fully understand/answer this question!! =]
I think Jesus says alot about why he came in John 6:35-40. He talks about how he (Jesus) came to do God's will. When he came to do God's will Jesus didnt do it by himselft but WITH the help of God. The ultimate reason Jesus came back was to do God's will and partner w/ God to achieve God's will. Saying this though, I think Jesus did that in many ways. Whether it was raising up disciples that would be the key ministers after his time on earth was up. It also included spending time ministering and connecting w/ the lost (homeless, tax collectors, prostitutes, etc.). Like I said before Jesus came w/ one goal and that was to do God's will and Jesus did that thru many different ways that we all could go on and on about.
Kinda what Collin said at the end, Jesus did god's will in so many ways and we can go on and on about them. well, as i am reading through matthew, i keep coming on these passages where it says "and jesus fulfilled what the prophet isaiah said". so, i also think he came to fullfill prophesies....
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